Latin and Greek in Current English


The afterlife of Ancient Greek and Roman culture has taken many forms since antiquity. In this course, we will explore one of the most profound, yet often commonly unrecognized, examples of the continued presence of Graeco-Roman antiquity: Greek and Latin in English. An astonishingly large number of English words, especially in areas such as medicine, science, and law, are derived from Latin and Greek. This course will provide a study of the impact of Latin and Greek on the English language through study of the Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes that are most commonly found in English technical and non-technical vocabulary and the linguistic principles through which these elements have entered the English language. 3 units. Same as L44 Ling 225D.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Hum; AS HUM

Section 01

Latin and Greek in Current English
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